Regina Lund was born during the rehearsals of Brecht's "Three Penny Opera" directed by Christian Lund, her father. Her mother, Sonja Lund, swedish actress and professional ballet dancer had the part of Polly in that very same play and she brest fed Regina in the small dressing rooms of the theatre during the performances. At the age of one she came to Stockholm, and at the age of three she was left to grow up with her father's parents in Gävle, a small city in the north of Sweden. She learned American English at the age of four and two years later she started attending acting schools. At the age of 13 she was singing, dancing and acting in the local musicals and plays in Gävle. At 17 she went on a scholarship to the US and when she got back to Sweden she was accepted to law school but decided after a very short period there that she had to go back to where she belonged. At the age of 21 she was accepted to the State School of Performing Arts in Gothenburg, Sweden. Her first part after acting school was as Ofelia in Hamlet directed by Jan Bergman (Ingmar Bergman's eldest son), Regina received great reviews and then hit Sweden like a bomb in one success after another. She seduced the audience as Sugar in the musical "Some like it hot" receiving the best female musical artist award (guld masken). She added a singer song writer career to her already successful acting one, both highly saluted by critics and audience. Regina is today in the process of her fort solo album. Apart from films, tv, shows, musicals, music projects, photography and, of course, theatre performances she just released her first poetry book.